What is Psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen that works by activating serotonin receptors, most often in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain affects mood, cognition, and perception. A study by The Mental Health Clinician found ‘shrooms’ were effective for patients with suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorders, OCD, alcohol use disorder, and tobacco. Researchers say those prone to suicidal thoughts and depressed moods rated using Psilocybin as the most meaningful experience of their life.

Is it safe to order from Magic Mushroom?

A: YES! It’s safer to buy magic mushroom products online than it is to meet your “shroom guy”.  Our products are of the highest quality and are packed in discrete odourless vacuum sealed packages.  They are shipped according to shipping couriers recommended best practice and tracked all the way to your home. 

Police cannot interfere with your mail because the Post Office Corporation Act stops them from getting warrants to seize mail, unless there’s a national security risk. To date, no one has been arrested or had any problems receiving shrooms in the mail.

We have shipped thousands of orders all across USA  and there’s never been a single incident involving our customers getting into trouble with the law or using our website to buy magic mushroom or micro-dosing products.

Can I Trust Your Site

Yes! At New Jersey Psilocybin Store, we believe in giving our customers the ultimate experience when using shrooms. That’s why we only offer the highest quality of products from the best and most reputable sources and growers. As magic mushroom enthusiasts ourselves, we personally sample and test all products to ensure they meet our highest standards. Don’t take our word for it, read our customer website reviews and product reviews. 

Who is eligible to purchase on your site?

Any Psilocybin Mushroom user around the USA can shop with us.

Can I order wholesale or in bulk?

Yes we offer bulk purchase to sub vendors of magic mushrooms.

Will these capsules get me high?

Microdose capsules are not designed to be used recreationally, but to help alleviate the pain and suffering of those struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other distressing conditions. Our products are dosed moderately in order to help with these symptoms and not for users to “trip out”. 

What are the effects of Psilocybin?

After ingesting Psilocybin, a wide range of subjective effects may be experienced, including feelings of disorientation, lethargy, giddiness, euphoria, joy, and catharsis. Closed-eye hallucinations may occur, in which the affected individual sees multicolored geometric shapes and vivid imaginative sequences.

At higher doses, Psilocybin can lead to “Intensification of affective responses, the enhanced ability for introspection, regression to primitive and childlike thinking, and activation of vivid memory traces with pronounced emotional undertones”. Open-eye visual hallucinations are common, and may be very detailed although rarely confused with reality.

What are the benefits of Psilocybin?

There are many benefits to consuming magic mushrooms, and they have been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. The benefits of magic mushrooms are being recognized in a big way.

  1. Studies have shown “a single dose of psilocybin produced substantial and enduring decreases in depressed mood and anxiety along with increases in quality of life” (Journal of Psychopharmacolocy).
  2. The mystical and profound experiences that so many have experienced since the 1960s in American culture are now being explored in mainstream medical science. The results are compelling and paint a proven, positive, symbiotic picture of magic mushrooms as a power healer.
  3. Clinical trials are being run to use magic mushrooms on patients with life-threatening cancer. These trials are trying to understand how a high magic mushroom dose administered in a therapeutic environment can reduce psychological stress and anxiety that comes with life-threatening diagnosis.
  4. Psilocybin is proven to improve neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to learn and grow and change.
  5. Magic mushrooms treats Cluster headaches. Anecdotal evidence suggests in the 2000s, medical professionals started taking notice of psilocybin and LSD as a possible treatment for cluster headaches after some of their patients reported remission following a recreational use of psychedelics.
  6. Magic mushrooms have successfully reduced symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a small study of patients who did not respond to conventional serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) drug therapy.
  7. Magic mushrooms have been used as part of an assisted treatment plan to treat alcoholism. Reports show that significant reduction in drinking and abstinence from drinking were reported when magic mushrooms were administered as part of the treatment program.
  8. Magic mushrooms have been used in a recent trial to help people quit smoking tobacco. In this trial, two to three treatment sessions with psilocybin as part of a larger cognitive-behavioral therapy program for smoking cessation had an 80% success rate. 12 out of the 15 subjects were able to quit smoking! Conventional smoking cessation approaches such as gum, patches, cold turkey, etc. have about 35% success rate.
  9. Last but not least, it is fun.
What are your shipping costs?

Expedited Shipping is $30.00 and includes a tracking number to ensure delivery.

Responsible Use

We have written a guide for first timers and veterans alike so you can maximize the full potentials of magic mushrooms. We have years of experience experimenting and guiding new users through a magic mushroom journey to unlock their full potential.

To have the best magic mushroom trip experience, it is recommended that you plan your trip at least a couple days ahead so you can prepare yourself mentally and physically. There are certain precautions to first time users as with any new experience. As long as you are aware and going into this experience with knowledge, the likely you will have an enjoyable experience.